Why You Need to Engage in Spiritual Warfare

It was a perfect storm. I was tired and frustrated. All my buttons had been pushed, including the one that eventually caused me to lash out, igniting a massive argument.

In that moment we were no longer on the same team but opponents, looking to defeat the other person with our words. An intense exchange ensued and we soon discovered there would be no victors; only deep wounds and casualties would remain. This scenario is played out multiple times in our lives.

It happens with husbands and wives in a marriage. We see it in our jobs, with bosses and colleagues. Unfortunately, we also observed it in the local and global church. Instead of joining forces to combat our real enemy, we end up combatting one another and the consequences are devastating. In the suffocating heat of the moment, it is tempting to attack the person closest to us. But if we as Christians are going to fight God’s way, we need to engage in spiritual warfare.

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